Youth at Blake Street

BBB - baR and bat mitzvah at blake street 2019

Join Rabbi Noam Sendor, Yaffa Bart and Daniel Jaffa for BBB. Sessions run Mondays during the school year from 5:30-6:30pm for students in their Barmi or Batmi year. Designed with students from all backgrounds and affiliations in mind, BBB will include hikes, shabbat meals, shabbaton, guest speakers, excursions, learning with parents or a special someone, a closing ceremony and more. 



Who am I and where do I come from? What does it mean to be Jewish? Understanding Jewish History. Learning from Holocaust Survivors. What does it mean to be a leader? Inner strength. Healthy relationships. Healthy bodies. Israel advocacy. Looking after the world. Caring for the environment & connection to nature. Finding our creative spark. Kosher cooking. Understanding prayer. What are mitzvot? The gift of shabbat. Jewish festivals. Why keep kosher? Why does a shul look the way it does? Tefillin and shabbat candles. Exploring our connection to the land of Israel. Learning how to be kind to ourselves — an introduction to Jewish meditation. What does real friendship look like? Exploring tzedaka and chesed. Connection to indigenous Australia. Volunteering in the community.


For more information please email the shul or call (03) 9530 0685.

Or email Rabbi Noam Sendor or call him on 0415 072 181.