Child Protection

Click on the buttons below to access the policy, procedures and our code of conduct.


Words from our Rabbi

I thank you for taking the time to read these essential documents. The Policy and procedures on this page communicate our most fundamental values in relation to safeguarding the well-being of everyone and anyone who steps foot in our building or is a part of our community. It is essential to point out that while our Child Protection Policy is based upon the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the new Child Safe Standards in Victoria, it is also reflective of our communal commitment to several Mitzvot and Jewish values, namely: “ ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם” - “And you shall safeguard your souls greatly.”

This Mitzvah (Devarim 4:15) communicates a fundamental principle of the entire Torah and serves as the backbone for everything we do as a community. We have a collective responsibility to ensure that everyone is safe—physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

Pikuach Nefesh – The principle that the preservation of human life is of primary importance. A person's physical safety and psychological safety are overriding priorities.

Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh La’Zeh – We all have a collective responsibility for one another and therefore everyone has a responsibility for the protection of our children’s safety.

Dina D’malkhuta Dina – The halachic rule that the law of the country is binding. Australia has specific legislation relating to child protection. Specifically, children need to be protected from harm and when abuse occurs the perpetrator must be held accountable. Blake Street Hebrew Congregation strongly rejects the application of 'Mesira' (not informing authorities) to cases of child abuse.

Every single one of us plays an important role in ensuring the safety and security of all community members, but especially our children. I thank you for reading this document and being a part of our responsible and conscientious community, dedicated to the most fundamental principles of our Torah.

With blessings of safety, health and peace.

Rabbi Noam Sendor