Blake Street Shul


There are many ways in which you can donate to our Shul. Every donation we receive enables us to continue to develop and deliver services to our community

Ways you can donate to Blake Street

To make a general donation or pay for a recent pledge for an Aliyah click here.

General Donation

To pay for a recent Misheberach pledge in honour of a members simcha click here.

Misheberach Pledge

Kol Nidrei Appeal

The annual Kol Nidrei Appeal is a cornerstone in maintaining the financial security of our Shul and enabling new projects that continue to help us develop and grow.

Kol Nidrei Donation

Sponsor a kiddush

We have a weekly kiddush after the Shabbat morning service that you can sponsor in honour of a special occasion. We also provide beautiful simcha kiddushim organised by our team of volunteers. See pricing or get in touch to discuss the range of options available.

Sponsor a kiddush or seudah


Yizkor board

A loved one who has passed away can be honoured on a section of our Yizkor board. $540 donation. Contact us to dedicate a section.

Purchase a Yizkor board plaque

Tree of life

Make a donation that will be recognised by dedicating a leaf on our tree of life

A gold leaf will be engraved with the name of a person or occasion. $360.

Buy a leaf

Seat Plaques

Donate a seat to the shule and have your donation recognised with a gold plate on the seat.

The cost of donating a seat is $2500.

Donate a seat